Head of Department : Dr. Manpreet Kaur Office phone : 01672-253120, 01672- 253119
Amidst the lush green campus of SLIET, Longowal, the department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering stands tall since the inception of the institute. The department envisions holistic development of its students with the help of expert faculty, well equipped laboratories and a healthy learning and working environment. The focus of the department is to discover the true potential of students by creating a challenging yet interesting curriculum.
The Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering (EIE) was established in 1991. The Department started to offer 2 years Certificate Course in Servicing and Maintenance of Medical Equipments (CSMM) and Certificate Course in Maintenance of Electrical Equipment (CMEE) in its initial years. The department started to offer 3 years degree course (B.E. in Instrumentation and Control Engineering) in the year 1993. Later on in year 2002, the department started to offer postgraduate program i.e. M.Tech in Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE). The department started to offer 4 years undergraduate programs i.e. B.E. in Electrical Engineering (GEE) and B.E. in Instrumentation Engineering (GIN) in the year 2014. Currently, the department of EIE is offering 3 years diploma courses in Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering, two 4 years undergraduate programs i.e. B.E. in Electrical Engineering and B.E. in Instrumentation Engineering, one postgraduate program i.e. M.Tech in Instrumentation & Control Engineering and doctoral programs covering most of the research areas related to Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering.
At present, Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering department is poised to impart technical education related to the development of manpower, from the level of skilled workers to the engineering post-graduates. Department has been awarded number of sponsored research projects from various Govt. agencies such as AICTE, MHRD, DST etc. The department caters to the manpower and technical requirements of various sophisticated and household industries.
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