1. Verification of the truth tables of TTL gates.
2. Verify the NAND and NOR gates as the universal logic gates.
3. Design and verification of the truth tables of Half and Full adder circuits.
4. Design and verification of the truth tables of Half and Full subtractor circuits.
5. To design and verify different postulates and theorems of Boolean algebra.
6. Minimize, design and verify the given Boolean expression.
7. To simplify and verify the given Boolean expression using K map.
8. Verification of the truth table of the Multiplexer 74150.
9. Verification of the truth table of the De-Multiplexer 74154.
10. Design and test on an S-R flip-flop using NOR/NAND gates.
11. Verify the truth table of a J-K flip-flop (7476).
12. Verify the truth table of a D flip-flop (7474).
13. Design of 4-bit shift register (shift right).
14. Design of modulo-4 counter using J-K flip-flop.
15. To design a 4-bit binary synchronous counters 7490, 7493.
1. To experimentally study the performance of inverting amplifier using op-amp.
2. To experimentally study the performance of non-inverting amplifier using op-amp.
3. To experimentally study the performance of differential amplifier using op-amp.
4. To demonstrate working of an op-amp as a voltage follower.
5. To demonstrate working of an op-amp as a square wave generator.
6. To demonstrate working of an op-amp as a low pass filter.
7. To demonstrate working of an op-amp as a high pass filter.
8. To demonstrate working of an op-amp as a band pass filter.
9. To demonstrate working of an op-amp as a band rejection filter.
10. To demonstrate the operation of a 555 timer as monostable multivibrator.
11. To demonstrate the operation of a 555 timer as astable multivibrator
12. To demonstrate the working of instrumentation amplifier using 3 op-amp configurations. MICROPROCESSOR APPLICATIONS LAB
1. WAP to add and subtract two 8-bit numbers.
2. WAP to add and subtract two 16-bit numbers.
3. WAP to find the 2’s complement of data 55H stored at 2100H memory.
4. WAP to add the N number of hexadecimal numbers lying from 2101H onwards.
5. WAP to separate hexadecimal number into two digits.
6. WAP to calculate the sum of ten 8-bit numbers.
7. WAP to study the usage of 8LG5 in mode 0.
8. WAP to exchange the contents of memory locations.
9. WAP to generate square wave at channel 1 of 8253.
10. WAP to display ‘V’ in 8×8 LED matrix interface module.
11. WAP to multiply two 8-bit numbers using successive addition method.
12. WAP to pack the two unpacked digits.
13. To write a program for 8085 Trainer kit. MOCROCONTROLLERS & EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB
1. To add X1 and X2 data using all the addressing mode techniques.
2. Write a program to count 0 to 100.
3. WAP for Microcontroller 8051 to add data of two 8-bit binary numbers without saving/ considering carry.
4. WAP for Microcontroller 8051 to add data of two 8-bit binary numbers with saving/ considering carry.
5. WAP to subtract two 8-bit binary numbers.
6. WAP to add two 8-bit BCD numbers.
7. WAP to add two 16-bit binary numbers with carry.
8. Apply Stack operation to convert ascending order array into descending order array.
9. WAP to compare the two 8-bit binary numbers and save the largest number at 40H memory location.
10. WAP to find the 1’s and 2’s complements of 8-bit binary number.
11. WAP to add 10 consecutive numbers starting from 1.
12. WAP to add 10 consecutive odd numbers starting from 1.
13. WAP to pack the two 8-bit data and store at 35H memory location.
14. WAP to unpack the 8-bit data and store at 35H and 36H memory locations.
15. WAP to shift 3 bits of 8-bit data towards left and right.
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