Data Acquisition and Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory

Location: E-227

Faculty I/C: Er. S.K. Bansal

Technician I/C:  Mr. Sukhwinder Singh


About Data Acquisition & Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory

The Data Acquisition & Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory focuses on instilling core instrumentation knowledge amongst the students. The laboratory is equipped to cater to curriculum needs of ICD, graduate, post graduate programs along with adequate recourses for research. Measurement via different sensors and virtual instrument is taught via NI LabVIEW software. The laboratory also hosts variety of state of the art NI hardware to enhance practical knowledge of the students. Various data acquisition options are present to interconnect different devices. Solutions for telemetry and wireless data acquisition are also available.

By employing virtual instrumentation solutions, students can lower capital costs, system development costs, and system maintenance costs, while improving time to market and the quality of products. The devices present in the laboratory offer a wide range of data acquisition capabilities at a significantly lower cost than that of dedicated devices. As integrated circuit technology advances, and off-the-shelf components become cheaper and more powerful, so do the boards that use them. With these advances in technology comes an increase in data acquisition rates, measurement accuracy, precision and better signal isolation. Depending on the particular application, the hardware available include analog input or output, digital input or output, counters, timers, filters, simultaneous sampling, and waveform generation capabilities. The wide scope of boards and hardware could include any one of these features or a combination of them.

 List of Major Equipments

  1. NI Rio
  2. NI Elvis Ii+
  3. Compact DAQ
  4. Quanser Vertical Take-Off And Landing
  5. Quanser Mechatronic Sensor Trainer
  6. QNET Rotary Inverted Pendulum Controller
  7. QNET DC Motor Control Trainer
  8. WSN-3202
  9. NI LabVIEW
  10. PCI
  11. Analog Input Modules


List of experiments

  1. Check controls and indicators: (a) Numeric Control and Indicator (b) Boolean Control and Indicator (c) String Control and Indicator (d) Dial connected to Gauge and Meter (e) Thermometer to Numeric Indicator (f) Tank to Numeric Indicator (g) Vertical Slide Control to Horizontal Slide Control.
  2. (a) Add, multiply, subtract two numeric inputs. (b) Add and multiply more than two numeric inputs. (c) Divide two numbers and find the remainder and quotient.
  3. (a) Compute the expressions Y = (A*B*C) + (D*E) and Y = mx + c (b) Compute the equations (X1+2)*log(X1) using functions, Expression node and Express Formula for the given inputs X1.
  4. (a) Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, radians to degrees and degrees to radians (b) Find whether the given number is odd or even.
  5. Find trigonometric values for the given angle. In LabVIEW computation of trigonometric values such as sine, cosine and tangent takes the input in radians.
  6. (a) Perform various Boolean Operations (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR) (b) Convert a binary number to a decimal number (c) Add two binary bits and find the sum and carry (half adder).
  7. (a) Create a VI to compute full adder logic using half adder logic as subVI  (b) Create a VI to find the decimal equivalent of a binary number using subVI (c) Create a VI to find the Grey code equivalent of a BCD number using subVIs.
  8. (a) Create a VI to find the roots of a quadratic equation using subVIs. Find both the values of the roots and the nature of the roots (b) Create a VI to find the average of two numbers and convert a section of a VI into a subVI.
  9. (a) Create a VI to find the factorial of the given number using For Loop and Shift Registers (b) Create a VI to change the state of the Boolean indicator n times between TRUE and FALSE (c) Create a VI to find the sum of first 10 natural numbers using a For Loop.
  10. Create a VI to animate a bird flying. Use the Picture Ring control to insert and display pictures to be animated.
  11. (a) Create a one-dimensional (1D) numeric array using the Build Array function which gets array elements from numeric controls (b) Create a 1D numeric array from loops (For and While) using random numbers and obtain the reverse of the array.
  12. (a) Create a VI to find the determinant of a 2X2 matrix which is represented in the form of a 2D array using Index array function (b) Create a 2D numeric array (5X5) containing random numbers and find its transpose.
  13. (a) Build a VI to solve a linear equation using matrix functions (b) Build a VI to find the product of two matrices using matrix function.
  14. (a) Create a VI to compare clusters and Switch ON an LED in the output cluster if the nth element of cluster 1 is grater than the nth element of the cluster 2 (b) Create a VI to select between two input clusters using a toggle switch and display in an output cluster.
  15. (a) Build a VI that generates 50 random numbers and plot it on a waveform chart using For and While Loops. Accumulate the random numbers into an array and display it on waveform graph (b) Build a VI to plot a circle in the XY graph using a For Loop.
  16. (a) Create a VI to add or subtract two numbers. Use Case structures to switch between addition and subtraction (b) Build a VI to create a seven-segment LED display.
  17. (a) Create a VI which prompts for user inputs to get two input strings. Compare eachcharacter of string 1 with each character of string 2. Display the number of mismatches (b) Create a VI to open a file and display the size of the file (in bytes).
  18. Create a VI to acquire an analog signal (voltage output) of LM35 temperature sensor on the DAQ signal accessory. Using a scaling factor (vx100 = oC) convert the voltage to temperature and display both voltage and temperature values.
  19. Create a VI to read an analog input signal with noise through the data acquisition card and reduce noise in analog measurement by averaging. Find its arithmetic mean to average the signal. Plot both the acquired signal and averaged signal.
  20. (a) to Calibrate the Potentiometer (b) Calibrate the Thermistor to read the correct temperature (c) calibrate the Pressure Sensor.
  21. (a) To study the Response of Optical Encoder (b) Water Level Indicator Simulation (c) Temperature Simulation